How to Slit Your Wrists Before deciding to end your life, you'll need to do some preparation before the event. Drink lots of water the day before to enlarge your artery, thus increasing the Blood Pressure and making it easier for you to bleed out. The reason people fail to suicide by cutting their wrists is because they don’t use the right tool for the job. Razor blades, scissors or kitchen knives usually end with a failed attempt. It leads to more pain, as well as leaving nasty scarring. If you really want to succeed, you'll have to use a strait-razor. If you don't have one, then get one. Since slitting the wrist is so painful, you will want to get it right the first time. On the day of the event, fill a bathtub full of hot water, not hot enough to scald you, but hot enough to help you relax while facilitating the bloodletting from your severed artery You can try bath oils or a light sedative to help you relax and ease the pain and suffering. Now that you’re ready, strip down and immerse your body into the warm bathwater. Try not think about the pain and suffering that is about to occur, and just relax. Try to remember that this will be the last thing you will ever do in this lifetime. If you are right-handed, begin by putting the strait-razor into your left hand and use it on your right forearm. Reverse this process if you are left-handed. As a result of the pain and bloodletting, you want to use your unfamiliar hand first, so when you make the second cut on your other arm, you'll be using your familiar hand. Important note: do not cut across your wrist because this can hurt the tendons, making it impossible to do the other wrist. Place the tip of the strait-razor on the radial artery about two thirds of the way from your wrist to your elbow. Then cut strait down and along the artery towards your wrist. Then quickly put the strait-razor in the other hand and repeat the cutting on the other forearm in the same manner. When you're finished with both forearms, lower them into the bath water and relax. Try not to panic from the idea that you are going to die. You will drift into unconsciousness as a result of blood loss, and before you know it, you'll be dead.